Fixedwing swarming

On the cover: Four fixedwing UAVs swarming on QGCS (QGround Control Station, by PX4) This work is done at NewSpace Research and Technologies. The aim of the project is to build the software stack from ground up for a swarm of fixedwing UAVs. This...

Crop Row Detection pipeline

On the cover: Final results after segmentation by SegNet and HoughCNet followed by probabilistic Hough Line Transform on a sample Bean field image This work is done at PixelFarmingRobotics BV. (client of CBoost BV. Inc.). The aim of the project i...

Project Pixie

On the cover: Robot Pixie in front of de campus Almkerk This work done at PixelFarmingRobotics BV. (client of CBoost BV. Inc.). The aim of the project is to make a four wheeled drive completely autonomous using the sensors on board. The robot Pi...

Unsupervised domain adaptation for entity recognition

On the cover: A sample t-SNE representations of final hidden state mean pooled along sequence dimensions of pure loss-centric adaptation of BERT on source(CONLL) vs target(Enron, SciTech) domains. Pure loss centric techniques are found to be harmf...

Generating synthetic medical data

On the cover: CtCue Logo; All rights reserved by CtCue B.V Nedtherlands One of the main challenges of working with medical data is it’s strict confidential nature. In order to test software solutions on medical data outside of a hospital, one nee...

Embodied Cognition

On the cover: Pioneer 3Dx as base, CoolArm1000 7DoF and a mounted kinect sensor Robots operating in real-world environments can be expected to come across objects that they have never encountered before, but nevertheless, have to make use of for ...

Autonomous Ground Vehicle - 13th in Global Competition on debut stint

This project was started off at Center For Innovation (CFI, IITM) with the aim to understand and develop autonomous vehicles. We called us ‘Team Abhiyaan’ and represented IIT Madras in the 25th Annual International Ground Vehicle Competition (IGVC...

Simulation of mesoparticles in microchannels (Dissipative Particle Dynamics)

Human Blood is composed of blood cells (also called corpuscles) suspended in blood plasma. Study of human blood and its flow in blood vessels is crucial for diagnosis, pathology and design of biomedical devices. Study of deformative properties and...

Evaporative fuel spray - droplet model

An approach for including evaporation in a model for predicting spray penetration Conferece paper presented at ILASS-Asia 2016, 18th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems - Asia, Chennai, India One of the key topic of resea...

Aqueous Dispersions of Lipid Nanoparticles wet hydrophobic surfaces (Substantiation of empirical adsorption time scales using simulation)

Efficient delivery of aqueous sprays to hydrophobic surfaces is the key technological challenge in a wide variety of applications, including pesticide delivery to plants. To account for losses due to bouncing of pesticide sprays off hydrophobic le...